GSO Welcomes Youth Chorus

5th & 6th Grade Chorus Oakfield-Alabama Central School DistrictThe GSO welcomes the 5th & 6th Grade Chorus from the Oakfield-Alabama Central School District. The chorus will perform at the December 6th concert, Holiday Feast, under the direction of Mrs. Danielle Mileham.Mrs. Mileham is a graduate of Oakfield-Alabama Central School District. Five years ago she returned to her alma mater to direct the Choral Ensembles and teach General Music. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Music Education (major instrument Organ), and a Master’s Degree in Christian Music in Worship from Houghton College.In addition to her work for the school district, Mrs. Mileham is the Director of Music for the Middleport United Methodist Church in Middleport, NY, leads the Junior and Senior High Youth Group with her husband, and instructs youth in piano and organ.


Notes from the President


High Notes - Q&A with Musician Marjorie Fulmer